Welcome Kit
Whether you are new to the area or have lived in Crestwood Hills for decades, you’ll find helpful information in this downloadable PDF. You can also request a Welcome Kit to be delivered to a new neighbor or a realtor by emailing us at welcome@crestwoodhills.com.
CC&Rs and Guidelines
Owners of record of all lots/parcels in Tracts 15905, 14944 and 14122 in Crestwood Hills are required under the terms of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) to submit all building plans and all plans for exterior alteration of their house or property, including, if applicable, exterior paint color, roofing and landscape plans to the Crestwood Hills Architectural Committee (CHAC). Please review the Crestwood Hills Architectural Guidelines and CC&Rs* for more information.
Architectural Guidelines
Crestwood Hills Architectural Guidelines
(Adopted March 2022)
New Building & Exterior Remodeling Application Form
Tree Guidelines
Tree Guidelines & FAQ for Tract 14944
(Adopted December 2024)
Tree Guidelines & FAQ for Tracts 15905 and 14122
Tract 14944
(Recorded May 2024)
Tract 16210
The CC&Rs of the Association still govern homeowners in Tract 16210 and are enforceable. However, oversight of the Architectural Committee is currently not required. Property owners continue to be members of the Crestwood Hills Association and dues paying members are entitled to vote at member meetings. If you would like to be provided with a copy of the original CC&Rs for Tract 16210, please contact the Crestwood Hills Association.
*CC&Rs Disclaimer:
The CC&R document and related information displayed on this Website are provided by CHA “as is” and “as available.” The information may contain bugs, errors, problems or other limitations. To the fullest extent permissible by law, CHA and its agents and affiliates make no presentation or warranty of any kind whatsoever for the accuracy, content or material, information and functions of the information provided, or for any products, services or hypertext links to third parties, or for any breach of security associated with the transmission of sensitive information through the services or links provided. It is solely the user’s responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, and quality or validity of all the information provided by CHA. This Website does not provide legal advice. Please consult your attorney for any legal matters.
The user of this information shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CHA and all CHA subsidiaries, attorneys, staff, employees, affiliates, officers, directors, owners, agents, contractors, co-branders or other partners, employees, information providers, licensors and licensees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all liability, costs, expense, losses, damages, claims and demands, including without limitation attorneys fees and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties, arising out of or related to:
(i) Your use of the CC&Rs and related information;
(ii) any breach or non-compliance by User of this Agreement, any of CHA rules or policies or User’s representations, warranties and covenants contained herein;
(iii) any dispute or litigation between an Indemnified Party and a third party caused by User’s actions; and
(iv) User’s negligence or violation or alleged violation of any rights of another. User shall fully cooperate with the Indemnified Party and provide all assistance reasonably requested by the Indemnified Party in the defense and settlement of any claim. The Indemnified Party shall have the right at its own expense, but not the obligation, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by User, and User shall not in any event settle any matter without the written consent of the Indemnified Party.
CHA and our affiliated parties shall not have liability whatsoever, arising from your use (or that of any other third party) of any CHA information or services. The lack of liability on the part of CHA is the fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between CHA and you. The Website and service would not be provided without such limitations. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from CHA through this site shall create any warranty, representation or guarantee not expressly stated in this agreement.
For a copy of the actual recorded CC&Rs, please check with your escrow officer or title company.
Crestwood Hills Archive
Need archived architectural plans for your home?
Did you know you can research and obtain past versions of building plans for your home through the Crestwood Hills Association Archive? We keep a repository of plans going back to the neighborhood’s founding. To access records, please contact the Archive Committee by emailing archive@crestwoodhills.com. Provide your name, phone number and the address for the property you are researching. You must be a current up-to-date member of the Association to request access and/or copies of your plans. If you need copies, plans are taken to a printer where you will be able to order the number of copies needed and pay for reproduction directly.
Views Newsletter
The Views newsletter is published several times a year by the CHA with the goal of providing important information about what is happening in the neighborhood. As of 2020, the newsletter has gone digital and is now distributed via email. Click here to sign up for our email list.
Like other roles within the CHA, the creation of Views is done by volunteers. If you are interested in sharing an idea or helping to create content for future issues, please contact us at hello@crestwoodhills.com.
Board Meetings and Minutes
The CHA Board of Directors meet at 7pm on the third Wednesday of odd-numbered months, permitting a quorum of 7 board members is available. CHA Members with dues current for the calendar year are always welcome to attend. Please RSVP to rsvp@crestwoodhills.com for location and confirmation. Additionally, you can contact us to request being placed on our Evite list for automatic invitations to board meetings. Please note, that auto invitations expire after a 12-month period of nonattendance.
Minutes are made available online for a 12-month period. Archived minutes are available by request to members whose dues are current for the calendar year by emailing hello@crestwoodhills.com.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 at 7pm, provided a quorum is available.
January 22, 2025 (awaiting approval—please note this meeting was rescheduled from January 15th due to the Palisades Fire)
November 20, 2024 (awaiting approval)
Board of Directors
Kate Blackman
Kathy Morgan
Vice President
Tony Salem
Cory Buckner
Lauri Gaffin
Peter Grueneisen
John Haley
Robert Plotkowski
Greg Schultz
James White
Chris Wilcha