Fire in Mandeville Canyon
You may have noticed clouds of smoke in the Santa Monica Mountains above our neighborhood. These are from a brush fire burning in Mandeville Canyon. The fire department has posted information about the fire, which you can read here. Local news reports that the fire is located near the 2900 block of Mandeville Canyon Road and that more than 100 firefighters, including our own Station 19, are on the scene working to extinguish the flames.
Update from Margaret Stewart of the Los Angeles Fire Department: 5/30/17
Update TUESDAY MORNING UPDATE #BrushFire; 7:52AM; 2969 N Mandeville Canyon Rd; #Brentwood; #MandevilleFire #Brentwood Firefighters continue their strenuous efforts to achieve full containment on this stubborn brush fire. The size remains at 55 acres and containment increased to 98%. This morning, new crews replaced those on scene throughout the night and will work for a full 12-hour operational period. This challenging fire is located in mostly rugged, remote terrain which has greatly impacted the ability of firefighters to safely traverse the land. The steep hillsides are often times letting loose with shale slides, putting the safety of firefighters at risk. Water dropping helicopters continue to play a key role to reduce the risk vs gain of firefighters being injured trying to navigate the terrain. As an example of the tremendous efforts by your firefighters, over 10,000 feet of fire hose line has been deployed around this fire. Each segment of hose is between 50 to 100 feet (depending on type) and has all been carried and put in place manually by firefighters. While Mandeville Canyon Road remains open to resident traffic, it is being controlled and we request no unnecessary vehicle traffic. Firefighting apparatus continue to line the roads, creating very tight conditions through the winding roads. Hose lines charged with water are also in place across some roads and traffic is being slowed to prevent damage. While the morning marine layer is assisting our efforts, by mid afternoon the heat is up and drives some of the smoldering areas. The LAFD is focused on gaining 100% containment by this evening and the next update will be after 6:00PM. There continue to be no reported injuries. No Further Details ; FS 19; Batt 9; #WestBureau; Council District 11; Margaret Stewart
Community Alert Message from WLA Law Enforcement
We want to make the neighborhood aware of a community alert being put out by our local law enforcement.
Thank you to all who attended the Crestwood Hills Association Annual Meeting. Among many topics discussed were the concerns of increased crime in our community. Overall crime in our area remains low as clarified by the most recent Brentwood Homeowners Association newsletter, which can be read here. However, we are not without incidents and there has been an uptick of burglaries in a specific area of Brentwood. The following is a Community Alert we received from Officer Brian Espin of the West Los Angeles Community Police Station. While not quite in our area, the information is important and helpful.
Good evening everyone,
I am Officer Brian Espin acting Senior Lead Officer for the Brentwood Area while Maria Gray is out on leave. There is a significant increase in residential burglaries in a specific area within Brentwood. The area affected is Granville Ave East to Barrington Ave. San Vicente Bl North to Sunset Bl ( reporting district 827). Please be vigilant of your surroundings and keep your valuables locked and secured. Along the same note the Brentwood area is still a prime location for auto-related crimes, because of the high density of vehicles. Please do not leave any valuables in your vehicles. The trend we have seen are suspects entering car ports or garage/parking structures where they are hidden from the street. The suspects are looking for anything they think might have value. Even if it is an empty backpack in the back seat. To the suspect this could be a laptop or other valuable item. My contact info is on the attached alert PDF, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
> Community Alert Attachment
Brian Espin #37430
Senior Lead Office
West Los Angeles Community Police Station
P.S. Check in with your neighbors as I have attended a few start up neighborhood watch meetings. It is a great idea since you (the resident) know your surroundings and neighborhood the best.
NON-EMERGENCY: 1-877-275-5273
All other City Services: 311
What you can do.
In addition to reviewing the information and safety tips shared by Officer Espin and the Brentwood Homeowners Association, neighbors have expressed interest in establishing a neighborhood watch—cited by Officer Espin as an excellent idea for community defense. If you are interested in being part of a Crestwood Hills Neighborhood Watch, please email
2017 Annual Meeting set for April 30th
The Crestwood Hills Association Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, April 30th, 2017 at 3pm in the Crestwood Hills Park Recreation Center.
We invite you to attend and learn what Crestwood Hills Association volunteers have been up to this past year. Included in the discussion will be topics impacting our community such as development and safety. Elections will also be held for board officers whose 2-year terms are up for review.
Please mark your calendars and encourage your neighbors to attend. To be able to vote, dues must be paid for the 2017 calendar year. Light refreshments will be served.
For more information, please see our Save the Date notice or contact us at
We look forward to seeing you there!