Burial of Unsightly Power Lines, Effort 2.0
You may have noticed DWP trucks on Hanley and Deerbrook working on what the utility asserts are upgrades to the electrical distribution network in Crestwood Hills. The work includes a significant increase to the height and girth of power poles as well as new aluminum power lines, conspicuous white transformers, cross arms and fuses. The new equipment towers over the old and is sure to significantly detract from the beauty of our community when implemented across all streets.
An Unexpected Opportunity
The scale of the new equipment and potential for negative impact, including safety concerns, has alarmed many members of the community and provided an opportunity to reinvigorate the debate over the value of burying the electrical and communications poles throughout Crestwood Hills. Previous attempts to bury the poles in the 1970s and in 2015–16 were abandoned due to cost concerns and a lack of majority interest. A 2016 homeowner survey showed the overwhelming majority of residents felt that the power lines were a public eyesore, but only a very small percentage were willing to invest financially in order to move the power lines underground. At the time the cost was preliminarily estimated at $3,500 per household per year for 10 years, which could be paid against property taxes.
A Push for Funds Redirection
The hope is the DWP will suspend the equipment upgrades currently underway when it receives a signed petition from the majority of homes in Crestwood Hills. By stopping the current expenditure of DWP funds, the community would then lobby to redirect those resources to an underground solution. The potential cost savings would benefit each household by reducing individual investment.
A First Step
The first step in the process is to sign the petition declaring your interest in working with the city and utilities to officially investigate the actual costs and logistics involved. Signing the petition simply indicates an interest in learning more. Residents will have a chance to vote ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ once actual costs are determined as a community vote is required by CHA bylaws to formally adopt the initiative.
As of the end of February, nearly 130 signatures have been gathered. The initiative must have a minimum of 175 households to be able to officially begin the process with the DWP.
Much to Gain
The natural beauty, safety, peace, tranquility and values of our historic oasis would be greatly enhanced by taking these systems underground. Download the petition, sign and send the form to Shel Brucker at shelbrucker@gmail.com.
As organizer Shel Brucker writes, “We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” Please give the future of Crestwood Hills your consideration and sign the underground petition today.
Editor’s Note: This article first ran in the Fall 2017 issue of Views that was distributed to resident mailboxes at the beginning of October. It has since been updated to reflect the latest information, including the latest number of signatures gathered.
CHA Block Party and Softball Game is back!
The 2017 CHA Block Party and Softball Game is on! The event will take place on Sunday, October 15th from 2–6pm in Crestwood Hills Park.
This year’s event is extra special, because the food will be provided by our Crestwood Hills neighbor, Susan Feniger, through her famous restaurant, Border Grill. The Border Grill Truck will be on site with a host of delectable taco options, including citrus chicken, carnitas and sweet potato and black bean. The menu will be finished off with homemade tortilla chips and organic red rice and beans. There are options for everyone, including our vegan neighbors.
And along with the awesome Border Grill eats, we’ll have a great selection of desserts to sample with our first ever Great Crestwood Hills “Bake Off.” Treats are being donated by area businesses and residents and will be sold to raise money for hurricane victims in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. If you are interested in contributing bake sale items, please email us at hello@crestwoodhills.com.
We’re excited about the return of the famous Fall Classic Eastside vs. Westside Softball Game Matchup and that Greg Schultz, former board member and chief softball organizer, will be back to run the show. There will be FREE team t-shirts for anyone wishing to play softball—all ages and skill levels are welcome! Other activities will include a temporary tattoo booth featuring special Crestwood Hills temporary tattoos to mix and match. Whether or not you consider yourself a softball fan, there will be something for everyone!
Come show your community spirit and hang with your neighbors for an afternoon of food, fun and games in the hood. The event is free for all Crestwood Hills whose dues are up-to-date and $10 per guest.
Forgot to RSVP?
No problem. Just let us know you plan to attend by emailing rsvp@crestwoodhills.com with (1) number attending in your party, (2) the number of people in your party who are interested in playing softball, and (3) your residential address. And in case you’ve forgotten to pay your 2017 dues this year, don’t worry. By all means swing by, pay your dues and join the fun!
New fall class offerings at Crestwood Hills Park