Historically cooperative.
By owning a home in Crestwood Hills, you are automatically a member of the Crestwood Hills Association (CHA). For over 75 years, the CHA has been an active advocate for the interests of the neighborhood and maintaining its tranquil quality of life. The Association, run by volunteer residents, has been instrumental in preventing roads from connecting Mulholland Drive to Kenter Avenue, preventing the construction of a county dump in a neighboring canyon and lobbying for improvements to streets and Crestwood Hills Park.
Keeping your annual dues current helps the CHA accomplish many things:
- Supporting the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) attached to the deed of each property in the neighborhood, and assisting the architectural and tree committees to that end
- Financing and coordinating annual brush clearance and tree trimming of the neighborhood‘s vast common areas
- Publishing the Crestwood Hills Views newsletter, email updates and maintaining this website
- Maintaining the preferential enrollment agreement for CHA members’ children with the Crestwood Hills Preschool—a cooperative founded by Crestwood Hills residents for area children
- Maintaining a seat on the board of the Brentwood Community Council and representing the neighborhood’s interests to city and county officials
- Organizing community events, such as the all neighborhood block party
- Maintaining the Crestwood Hills community archive, a repository for resident architectural plans and our unique history
Paying 2025 Dues:
1. Choose your membership dues support level:
> $100 / Contributor (minimum)
Your annual dues help the CHA maintain the basic needs of the community, including taxes, insurance, communications, events and interfacing with civic bodies on issues relevant to our community.
> $250 / Supporter
This support level helps the CHA maintain the safety of our community through extensive brush clearance and tree maintenance of the wildlands in and around Crestwood Hills, in addition to basic operating needs.
> $500 / Benefactor
This support level helps the CHA maintain the architectural integrity of the community through community outreach and legal efforts, in addition to basic operating needs.
2. Pay by PayPal:
— Or —
By mailing a check payable to:
Crestwood Hills Association
986 Hanley Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Thank you for your support of our wonderful neighborhood.

Are you on our mailing list?
Click here to register or to update your contact information.
Want to get involved?
Contact us at volunteer@crestwoodhills.com with your area of interest. We are always looking for volunteers to help with writing for the newsletter, welcoming new members to the community, planning social events and more.
New to the neighborhood?
Download the Crestwood Hills Welcome Kit. Or email us at welcome@crestwoodhills.com if you’d like a welcome kit to be sent to a new neighbor or your Realtor.