An Architecturally-Controlled Community

Did you know that Crestwood Hills won an American Institute of Architects design award? That homes in Crestwood Hills have been featured in many architectural tours, with several established as Cultural/Historic Monuments with the City of Los Angeles?

To carry on the community’s architectural legacy, there are special CC&Rs (conditions, covenants and restrictions) in the deed to each Crestwood Hills property, placing residents within the review and oversight of an architectural committee.

The philosophy behind the architectural review is simple. Crestwood Hills homes should blend into the beautiful hillside landscape, should not interfere with the views of neighbors and should be in harmony with the rest of the neighborhood.

Residents may not build or alter without approval. Those who wish to alter the outside of their home need to submit plans to the architectural committee for their tract. Please download the architectural guidelines to learn more.

Need archived architectural plans for your home?

Crestwood Hills Association keeps a repository of plans going back to the neighborhood’s founding in the Crestwood Hills Archive. To access records, please contact the Archive Committee by emailing Provide your name, contact information and the address of the property you are researching. You must be a current up-to-date member of the Association to request access and copies of your plans.

Looking for more information?

Visit the Resources page for
Guidelines, CC&Rs and more.